To maintain healthy pregnancy, approximately 300 extra calories are required per day.
Caloric requirements in each woman are highly individual.
These calories should come from a balanced diet of whole grain cereals, germinated pulses, lentils and legumes, fruits and vegetables. Good quality proteins from low fat dairy, lean meats, eggs. Healthy fats from fatty fish, nuts and seed and vegetable cooking oil to use minimum.
Sweets and fat should be minimum.
A healthy well-balanced diet can also help to reduce pregnancy related symptoms such as nausea, constipation, iron deficiency.
Staying hydrated is also very important as it minimizes acidity related heart burn, gas and flatulence due to constipation. You can take several glasses of water throughout the days. A good number of dietary fluids adds add on benefits.
Physical activity is very important as a healthy lifestyle. It may help to control blood pressure and blood sugar levels to normal range.
A simple walk is very ideal and safe way to keep your body active
It is equally recommended to be regular with your pre-natal supplements
to avoid micro-nutrient deficiency.
Completely stay away from alcohol and smoke is highly recommended in pregnancy.
Try having sticky note or a tick sheet where you can mention which food you wish to eat per day. This will give you wide variety of food in your diet.
Try to have structure around meal and snack time.
Focus on healthy snack instead empty caloric or fried snacks.
Keep hydrated and try to drink water before you feel extremely thirsty.
Spend some time resting and relaxations, reading and gardening is best.
Go for a walk. Keep a goal at least 5-6 days a week.
Choice on healthy grocery instead junk food.
Take it easy on yourself and remember that food is about enjoyment too.
DIETICIAN – Sushma Ghag