Urology is a branch of medicine focussing on the diseases of the urinary tract of both males and females. The urinary tract consists of kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. It also deals with the male reproductive system and all the organs or parts associated with it, such as the penis, testes, scrotum, prostate, etc.
Who is a Urologist?
Urologists specialise in the treatment of male and female urinary tract conditions. Hence, this includes all organs associated with the urinary tract, including the path urine takes to get out of the body. The organs involved are:
- Bladder
- Ureters
- Urethra
- Kidneys
Urology specialists in Dubai also address conditions associated with male sex organs, including the penis, prostate, scrotum, and testicles.
Urology is also a surgical speciality. Apart from its surgical, a urologist possesses enough know-how of internal medicine, paediatrics, gynaecology and other parts of health care. This is crucial as the best urologists in Dubai encounter a wide range of clinical problems during their practice.
Problems addressed by a Urologist
Urologists can also help with the following:
- Erectile dysfunction
- Incontinence or inability to hold urine (this also includes bedwetting as well as an overactive bladder)
- Conditions involving women’s pelvic floor (these are the muscles supporting the bladder, rectum, and vagina. There are certain sensitive conditions that can cause these muscles to become weak and allow the vagina or other organs to fall from their original location
- Peyronie’s disease (it causes scar tissue inside the penis which can lead to either painful and/or curved erections
- Problems of the prostate
Urologists are also equipped to perform a vasectomy – it’s a surgery for men that blocks sperm from reaching the semen, thus preventing pregnancy.
Specialities under urology
Many urologists provide treatment on a generic level and attend to a number of urinary problems. On the other hand, they are some who specialise in specific organs or conditions. Hence, there are different urology specialities, namely:
- Pediatric Urology (children’s urology)
- Urologic Oncology (urologic cancers)
- Renal (kidney) Transplant
- Male Infertility
- Calculi (urinary tract stones)
- Female Urology
- Neurourology (nervous system control of genitourinary organs)
What Kind of Training Do Urologists Receive?
Urologists, like all other doctors, undergo the same kind of training. Even they have to complete a residency, which means additional five to six years at a hospital. They might also receive a fellowship and specialise in a particular type of urology. For example, they could do a fellowship in urologic oncology to learn to treat cancers of the urinary tract.
When Should You See a Urologist?
Your general physician will refer you to a urologist in the best hospital in Dubai in the following cases:
- If you notice blood in the urine
- If you experience pain while urinating
- If you are having an issue in controlling your urine/ have a weak urine flow/ have a leaky bladder
- Have pain in the pelvic area, and you don’t why