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Loss sufficient weight is tough for many of us and can be an almost impossible chore for a few. Obesity acts as a catalyst to a number of health problems like diabetes, hypertension, heart issues, stroke, joint pain, certain types of cancer, and depression. Before any serious treatments are performed, health experts suggest diet change and exercise for losing the extra weight. Weight loss can reverse or overcome the uncertainty of many disorders. Therefore, may not always be about the aesthetics, it can be life-saving. So is obesity simply defined by being overweight? Experts have determined that a person falls under the category of obese if their body mass index or BMI is over 30. BMI is a metrics that is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the height in meters squared and multiplying by 703.
Obesity is frequently the result that is a combination of an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and genetic makeup.
Below 18.5 Underweight
18.5-24.9 Normal
25.0-29.9 Overweight
30.0 and higher Obese

Weight-loss treatments are usually kept as the last option when diet plans and exercise haven’t worked or if the weight has become detrimental to the health. Treatment for weight loss is only suggested when the patient’s BMI is 35-40 kg/m2. The weight reduction methods are performed by making changes to the digestive system to help lose weight. In Dubai, Aster Hospital has some of the best doctors near you, state-of-the-art facilities, and the latest technology to help with weight loss.
Types of Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery is primarily divided into three types: blocking, restricting, and mixed. The surgery or treatment is suggested after a thorough investigation of why the diet and exercise regimes have failed.

Endoscopic Gastric Balloon
This method is also known as the intragastric balloon. In this procedure, a saline-filled soft durable balloon is placed in the stomach endoscopically. This makes the patient feel fuller faster leading to lesser food intake. The patient usually tends to lose about 15% of the weight in the six months following gastric balloon placement.
This form of weight loss procedure can be reversed.

Sleeve gastrectomy
This type of bariatric surgery is restrictive in nature. In the procedure for gastric sleeve, about 75-80% of the stomach is cut off or removed. The small stomach fills up much faster and the food passes faster to the intestine. Not being able to eat as much food causes the patient to lose weight rapidly with the weight loss sleeve procedure.
This weight reduction surgery is irreversible.

Gastric bypass
This form of surgery for weight loss is a mixed type of obesity treatment. Gastric bypass surgery is a permanent procedure where the surgeon makes changes to the stomach and small intestine to change the way they absorb and digest food. The patient is likely feel a suppressed appetite.
This bariatric surgery can be reversible.

Gastric band or adjustable gastric
The name is so-called because the surgeon puts an adjustable band around the top area of the stomach making a small stomach pocket. The small stomach pouch/packet created because of the gastric banding lessens the feelings of hunger and invariably leading rapid loss of weight.
This form of surgery can be reserved.

Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery
A mini gastric bypass surgery, in one of the bariatric services that are restrictive. The surgeons change the size of the stomach so the food will go down faster to the intestine for nutrient absorption. Unlike gastric sleeve surgery, the stomach is resized to make the patient feel full faster, with mini-gastric bypass patients tend to feel fuller faster and absorb fewer calories. This causes a more effective long-term weight loss.
This form of weight reduction surgery can be reserved.

Gastric Revision Surgery
Despite the best of the efforts, there may be unknown reasons why one isn’t losing the appropriate amount of weight despite the surgery for weight loss. One may opt for gastric revision if the patient’s not able to lose adequate weight, is putting on more weight, has medical complications.

The treatment to treat hair loss is extremely safe with PRP treatment, as the plasma is the patient’s which injected into the affected region of the scalp. The platelet growth factors induce follicle to shift from a dormant state to an active state that starts the process of hair growth, enhancing the hair growth and hair thickness from the dormant follicles. This done once a month has seen promising results from hair fall control and re-growth perspective.